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Christian Fautz Receives Amazon #1 Best Seller Award

Christian Fautz, the owner of Core Real Estate Properties, receives an award for being a #1 bestseller on Amazon.

Watch it here:



– [Woman] Good morning, I’m Amy Lynn, and welcome back to another edition of Business Leaders Spotlight. Today, we have the pleasure of featuring an extraordinary leader, Christian Faust. But before we delve into his inspiring story, we have a special award presentation by his publisher, TC Bradley.

– Hey, good morning, Ms. Amy.

– Good to see you again.

– Good to see you too, TC. Christian, it is my absolute honor and privilege to present you with your well-deserved number one bestseller award for your book, which debuted at the top of the Amazon Bestseller List. Congratulations on this remarkable achievement!

– Thank you so much, TC. What a pleasure and honor to have been participating in this book and I’d like to thank you for all your help and efforts in making the dream come a reality.

– I love it. So it’s expert profiles and– that’s so incredible, congratulations.

– Thank you.

– So, expert profiles. Tell us about your chapter in this book, because this book is full of different experts that are giving you information to help you out of different situations and give you their expertise. But your particular chapter is about real estate and being able to get out of a sticky situation before it’s too late.

-It’s truly disheartening to witness the desperation that some of these individuals face. When they reach out to us, it’s often because they’ve exhausted all other options and find themselves on the brink of bankruptcy or grappling with other dire financial situations. Our goal at Core Real Estate Properties is to provide a lifeline for these individuals, offering a viable solution to alleviate their immediate financial burdens and help them regain stability in their lives. We understand the gravity of their circumstances and are committed to providing them with the support and assistance they need during these challenging times. Absolutely, TC. We pride ourselves on being innovators in influence. At Core Real Estate Properties, we specialize in assisting individuals who are experiencing financial hardships. Whether they’ve fallen behind on mortgage payments, encountered a family illness, or lost their job, these circumstances often necessitate a quick sale of their house. Recognizing the urgency of their situation, we step in to provide the support and solutions they need, bypassing the traditional methods of listing with a realtor. Our priority is helping these individuals navigate through challenging times with compassion and efficiency.

– [Amy] Right, I mean, they could definitely come to you if they didn’t know what to do, basically. This is a great first step. And what actually inspired you to write this chapter?

– [Christian] What inspired me was, back when I was in law school, I was interning at a local law firm, and they specialized in bankruptcy and landlord-tenant, and I did a lot of the intake with these clients. I found out about their situation, how they ended up in this spot, and also what their overall financial situation looked like.

– Right.

– And, you know, I saw how desperate some of these people were and the fact that it got to this point, there really wasn’t any other avenues for them to take at this point, facing bankruptcy or other financial situations.

– Right, with your help, it’s a lot easier to rock away and rebuild versus dig a hole that is so hard to get out of.

– Correct, exactly. Move on with their lives, start fresh, and, you know, learn from this experience.

– And also, you know, Christian has passed the bar, so you’ve got all that legal knowledge too, which is a great help.

– Absolutely, yes, it definitely helps when reviewing contracts, negotiating with lenders to get the best deal for not only our clients but also for our company, Core Real Estate Properties as well.

– So how can we get in touch with you, Christian?

– You can reach me at our website at CoreRealEstateProperties.com.

– Perfect, and congratulations again on your success. You can find out more by logging onto our website. It’s fox4morningblend.com.

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